Reflections on Using a Diary App to Conduct a Diary Study to Assess Emergent Technologies in Private Households




Diary Study, Mobile Diary App, Emergent Technologies, Private Housholds


Voice assistants, such as Alexa, are sold in the three-digit million range every year. They are seen as plug-and-play
solutions to make everyday life easier and more convenient. However, most emerging technologies are used, analyzed,
and optimized in a business environment. Even though the sales market for household appliances is growing every year.
In this research project, the use of voice assistants in private households were investigated regarding the possible adjustment
of daily routines. The study was conducted by using a diary app. This paper describes the selection of the diary app
used and reflects on its use from the perspective of the researchers and project participants. The selection criteria include
the human-app interface, the type of data collection, the researcher dashboard, the possible interaction between researchers
and project participants, the language and automated transcription, the data security, the provided technical support,
the corporate culture, the professional impression, and the costs, which are particularly important for a research project.
Finally, the weaknesses in the selection of the diary app are outlined.


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