Artificial intelligence and neurotechnology - Ethical issues arising from technological innovations


  • Veronika Öttl Hochschule München
  • Elena Bleher
  • Lorena Frankenreiter
  • Katharina Schnetzer
  • Ajla Glušac
  • Jörg Puchan



Artificial Intelligence, Ethics, Healthcare, Neurotechnology, Medical Research, Human-Machine Interaction


Advances in artificial intelligence and neurotechnology have the potential to redefine human-machine interaction. For example, increasingly powerful robotic prostheses are being developed that, in conjunction with the human nervous system, also enable applications outside of therapeutic measures. These developments raise great expectations in society, but also raise fundamental ethical questions. This work examines how a responsible design of AI and neurotechnology can be achieved on a socio-political level. In particular, the focus is on the ethical discourse. After an overview of the basics, the potentials of the technologies are presented and the ethical challenges are outlined. Finally, possible approaches to solutions will be outlined.


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