Entwicklung eines KI-basierten FAQ-Chatbots für die Hochschule im Bereich Prüfungsangelegenheiten


  • Harald Ritz TH Mittelhessen
  • Dogus Tansel TH Mittelhessen (THM)


Adam Optimizer, Angular, Chatbot, Deep Learning, Docker, FAQ-Bot, Flask-Framework, Gunicorn, Hochschulberatung, Keycloak, Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Machine Learning (ML), MongoDB, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), Neuronale Netze, NGINX-Webserver, Python, PyTorch, Reinforcement Learning, REST-API, Sentence Similarity Model, spaCy, Transformers


It can be assumed that the use of chatbots will increase enormously in the next few years - not just since "ChatGPT" has been on everyone's lips. This article presents the project initiated by the chairman of the examination board for business informatics at the THM in the course of 2021, which aims to develop an AI-based FAQ chatbot in the field of examination matters. The chatbot was designed to support students with frequently asked questions related to business informatics exam matters. It is envisaged that with the help of machine learning algorithms, the AI-based chatbot will continuously learn and improve its response accuracy and effectiveness. It offers students a simple way to get answers quickly and easily and can also be used 24/7. The integration of the chatbot into the university's website helps to increase the efficiency of student counseling and improve the user experience.


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