Towards Inter-organizational Decision Support in Supply Chains through Cloud-based Discrete Event Simulation

A Conceptual Business Model and Elements of a Research Agenda


  • Andreas Jede Hochschule Osnabrück


Information Management, Cloud Computing, Discrete Event Simulation, Business Model, Supply Chain Simulation, Decision Support, Design Science Research


In general, cloud services enable new inter-organizational business improvements such as better coordination and collaboration tools as well as information and knowledge sharing. In contrast, discrete event simulation is a matured and highly helpful simulation technique on operational level that is currently used especially for optimizing supply chains within an organization. Therefore, this paper proposes a cloud-based discrete event simulation model. Herein, the paper uses a mixed method approach and derives a new business model in the intersection of both research fields. Thereby, we provide a wider understanding of cloud computing that goes beyond the technical functioning. Furthermore, the paper indentifies the major future research directions for creating an economic and effective environment for applying cloud-based discrete event simulations.


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